How Do It Yourself Website Development Becomes DIY Website Disaster

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And this is never more evident than in the online world. Your competitors are only one click away.

Being Online is Critical for all Business – Big and Small

As a business owner, if you don’t already have a strong online presence, or any online presence at all, you owe it to yourself to take the first step for your business, and learn just a bit about the internet business world.

WordPress With Les – Formatting: Friend & Foe

So why did they need two different ways of doing this, you might be asking? Well the reason for the two different methods had to do with one automatically adding the various code elements for you, while the other allowed for the use of full on HTML. If you were to try to force html tags in to the visual editor, the visual editor would strip them out upon saving the post or page.