Gutenberg Is It A Plugin For You

This new system certainly makes it easier for non-techy types to add buttons, tables and embeds like videos, to a page or post. While this is helpful for certain people, Gutenberg just adds up to a lot more clicking for seasoned WordPress users like myself.

Switch to WordPress and Give Your Businesses a Powerful Boost

In a word, WordPress is Google-friendly. Don’t just take it from me. Matt Cutts, whose personal blog espouses the virtues of WordPress and is one of the top Google Engineers, has stated many times that “WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues.”

WordPress With Les – Formatting: Friend & Foe

So why did they need two different ways of doing this, you might be asking? Well the reason for the two different methods had to do with one automatically adding the various code elements for you, while the other allowed for the use of full on HTML. If you were to try to force html tags in to the visual editor, the visual editor would strip them out upon saving the post or page.

WordPress with Les – Plugins, plugins, plugins! My Kingdom for a Plugin!

As a person who has been producing websites and web content for a wide variety of clients, over an 18 year span, I have fulfilled many a request. Everything from live video chat rooms back in the mid-90s, to ecommerce solutions during the early 2000’s, right up to our smartphone driven destinations of today.

WordPress with Les – Basic WordPress Themes

One of the great things about using WordPress is the abundance of the ready made themes you can choose from. Everything from the basic blog layouts right up to very sophisticated designs that offer full ecommerce solutions.

WordPress with Les – Introduction

WordPress has become very popular over the years. In the beginning it was hosted websites but over the past few years self hosted wordpress sites have become even more popular than the hosted sites.